来訪者 A Visitor
セテス: どうにかミルディン大橋を確保できたか。
Seteth: Somehow we managed to capture the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
To see the Imperial Army hold its ground until every last soldier fell... That is true dedication.
It is clear that Edelgard is not some cruel emperor who holds her people in a vice-like grip. There is something more driving our foes.
From here on out, our journey will not be an easy one...
教団兵: 失礼します!ギルベルト殿がお見えです!
Church Soldier: Excuse me, sir! Gilbert is here!
セテス: ギルベルト!?なぜここに……いや、いったい今まで何を?
Seteth: Gilbert?! What was he doing all this time?
We had better go and meet with him.
ギルベルト: ミルディン大橋を落とされたとのこと。あの守りを打ち砕くとは、お見事でした。
Gilbert: So you've captured the Great Bridge of Myrddin. I'm impressed you were able to break through their defenses.
セテス: 回りくどい挨拶は無用だ、ギルベルト。なぜ今になって、君が……
Seteth: Save your praise, Gilbert. Let's get to the heart of the matter. Why are you here? Why now?
ギルベルト: 私は今、かつての主君……ディミトリ様に、再びお仕えしております。
Gilbert: I am once again in the service of Dimitri.
He was in hiding in Fraldarius territory, where he was biding his time for a counteroffensive.
セテス: ……!ディミトリ殿は、生きていたのだな!
Seteth: Dimitri is alive?!
ギルベルト: ええ。王都で処刑されかかったところを、ドゥドゥーが身を呈して救出したのです。
Gilbert: Yes. He was to be executed in Fhirdiad, but Dedue stepped forward to rescue him.
I am here today by command of Dimitri himself.
We realize that our enemies are the same...and that it may be advantageous to join forces.
セテス: ……聞くだけ聞くとしよう。
Seteth: I see. I shall hear you out.
ギルベルト: 我が軍は、まもなく帝国への進軍を開始します。
Gilbert: We are preparing to advance against the Empire.
Will you join us as we march toward the Imperial capital?
If that is too much to ask, then at least allow us to freely cross the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
Choice 1: 合流しよう We will join you.
セテス: いや、待ってくれ。我々の戦力は少なく、激戦を終えたばかり。
Seteth: I am happy yo allow you safe passage over the bridge, but to lend our aid asks too much of us. Is that not so?
To march straight for the main body of the Imperial army and challenge them? It is too soon.
Hold a moment. We have just finished a fierce battle, and our forces are few.
Choice 2: 通るだけなら構わない You may cross freely.
セテス: ああ、そうだな。我々の戦力は少なく、激戦を終えたばかり。
Seteth: Agreed. We have just finished a fierce battle, and our forces are few.
To march straight for the main body of the Imperial army and challenge them? It is too soon.
セテス: 数節でも待ってもらえるならば、こちらの状況も変わるかもしれないが。
Seteth: If you would be willing to wait a few months, we might be able to offer something more.
ギルベルト: いえ、今の殿下に歩みを止める余裕は……。
Gilbert: I am afraid His Highness is not able to stop his advance...
セテス: ……であれば、やはり合流はできんな。ディミトリ殿にはよろしく伝えてくれ。
Seteth: If that is the case, I am afraid we cannot join you. Please, send our regards to Dimitri.
ギルベルト: ……承知いたしました。セイロス騎士団との共闘が叶わなかったことは残念ですが……
Gilbert: I understand. It's unfortunate that we were not able to secure the help of the Knights of Seiros.
Still, I'm grateful that we can cross the Great Bridge of Myrddin safely. Thank you for that.
This will be a fight to the death. It is highly likely that we will meet our end.
I wish you both the best of luck in the battles ahead.
セテス: ……君たちにも主の加護があらんことを。
Seteth: And may the goddess protect you as well.